

Why is there a need to be popular in society?
What happened to people just being themselves?
Around others people change unjustifiably,
When around you they act like their self,
People try to make themselves more interesting,
Even when you know who they really are,
From the real person their distancing,
Some of the things they say are totally bizarre,
Telling fake stories just to get attention,
Acting big and getting in trouble in school,
Because of that they will get detention,
But they don’t care because they think it’s cool,
Even the older want to be accepted,
All ages still want recognition,
Their real personality is closely protected,
Keeping up their act is a daily mission,
Desperately seeking to be in with the crowd,
They will do anything at any cost,
Instead of being themselves and proud,
Their trapped in a body and totally lost,
If they act like themselves they will get gratitude,
They should be the person their meant to be,
There’s no need for all the fake attitude,
They will feel better that’s a guarantee,
So there’s no need to seek popularity,
Loneliness they shouldn’t fear,
Becoming someone else is total insanity,
It’s about time they started seeing clear.

A Poem By Corey Booth – 09/02/12

38 comments on “Popularity

  1. Sonel says:

    Beautiful! Thanks! 🙂

  2. Pete Armetta says:

    That’s right, we oughtta strive to be our unique, genuine and authentic selves no matter what. Is how I see it! 🙂 Very well communicated, love the tone, a great “morning coffee” read here! Thanks.

    • ClownPonders says:

      Im glad you enjoyed and i hope your coffee tastes great! I actually wrote this while having my morning coffee haha! 🙂

  3. Kary says:

    I love the intensity. I’ve struggled with this in my own life. I would say that being yourself takes lots of courage, and sometimes it means being alone. Some people find those two things very difficult. I still believe it is the right way to live, but I also recognize that it is a scary idea for some. Thanks for sharing.

  4. amarmirch says:

    I appreciate your take on social issues

  5. pasupatidasi says:

    couldn’t be other than my self….tho it’s been controversial from time to time,…used to have a button that read “be yourself….no one else wants the job”
    certainly true!

  6. Pete Armetta says:

    If not our genuine, authentic self then who? And WHY? 🙂

  7. carinaragno says:

    well said but often being yourself and different from others does not go to well, people are afraid of different for some reason

  8. !!YaZ!! says:

    Wrote about that before..
    but never got to put it online…
    but it wont compare to yours at all..
    loved it

  9. meiro says:

    For some reason being like that some people feel their presence will be more recognized than being their self.

    Nice one.

  10. visionary7 says:

    This is so awesome because I couldn’t agree with you more on this subject and I could talk for days and days about this… You are ahead of the game since you have already figured this out for yourself

  11. Debbie says:

    I’m so glad you are you! Thanks Corey!

  12. milenanik3 says:

    Reblogged this on Milenanik3's Blog and commented:
    Amazing as usual..

  13. Don Munro says:

    What did Will say? “To thine ownself be true.” Very nice poem.

    Hey go to my site and check out one of my new poems, “Uncle Jim.”

  14. I think that is very good.
    So true and well written!

    Nice job, Corey!

    from Christine

  15. desiryan says:

    it happens this way. Lot of pretence and lies. nicely writen.

  16. 1stjoeyanna says:

    I really enjoy reading your blogs! Are you like me? Does some rhyme run through your head at night, and you have to grab the first thing to write on, so you don’t forget? I have many envelopes scattered in different places that I have to find! LOL

  17. 90dphillips says:

    There’s more in this that applies to life and the betterment of society than any class could offer. This should be put up in every school for all to see.

  18. ansuyo says:

    I yam who I yam… lol. It’s amazing how often we put on a persona in different groups sometimes, especially around family. I’m not sure many of us know who ‘self’ is to be it. When we stop worrying about it, we have arrived:)

  19. bluefiadiarries says:

    I so enjoyed reading this! 🙂

  20. Thomas Davis says:

    Finding out who you are is the real riddle in life, I’m afraid. I’ve been searching for years. Fun poem.

  21. […] Wales Popularity « ClownRhymes: “Why is there a need to be popular in society?What happened to people just being […]

  22. Roshni says:

    So true! My friends are going through a situation where they have realized how fake some people have been… This poem seems like apt for them!

  23. loved this. read recently where social networking sites like facebook actually increase the “need to be popular” high school feeling in a lot of people. I never was into that. I am ..just me.

  24. People hide…They put on a mask
    It’s cause they are trying….to live FILLED with gas!
    They Glutton themselves, on peoples reactions
    They don’t understand, those are only distractions!
    They don’t get, why we’re REALLY here!!
    This thing I speak of, I HOLD TRULY DEAR!
    His name is Jesus, The Savior of ALL
    We are all SINNERS…but He took the FALL!
    Now these empty vessels can be…
    No more hiding, no more pretend!

    LOVE IS ALIVE…I know for a fact..
    Cause He Lives inside!

    God bless you dude:)

  25. Reblogged this on Holy Spirit Hog and commented:
    People hide…They put on a mask
    It’s cause they are trying….to live FILLED with gas!
    They Glutton themselves, on peoples reactions
    They don’t understand, those are only distractions!
    They don’t get, why we’re REALLY here!!
    This thing I speak of, I HOLD TRULY DEAR!
    His name is Jesus, The Savior of ALL
    We are all SINNERS…but He took the FALL!
    Now these empty vessels can be…
    No more hiding, no more pretend!

    LOVE IS ALIVE…I know for a fact..
    Cause He Lives inside!

    God bless you dude:)

  26. Nelson says:

    Excellent work.
    What a way to rail against perfecting facades at the expense of self…

  27. bloohmoon says:


  28. agreed awesome stuff man!

  29. ManicDdaily says:

    You’re very right, of course. (But easier said than done!) K.

  30. Shaheen Miro says:

    Very nice poem. I like your simple, storyteller style.
    Keep writing. Keep sharing your voice.


  31. […] Popularity (clownponders.wordpress.com)  […]

  32. I think a person’s need for popularity and recognition in society arises from low self-esteem and feeling unloved.

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